Flame of the Soul

Ignite the flame,
burn the soul, in the name...
until it cries out in the pain,
the sound echoing throughout the universe,
the endurance then, will not be in vain..

I thought of these lines while praying. I know, I should concentrate on words while praying :D but well.. I took it as Allah's gift. ;)


  1. Awesome lines with a deep message :)

  2. This was SO cool !! Wow. Can anybody come up with verses during namaz/?!?!? Wow !

    Im not a big khushu khuzuer myself, but I surely cannot come up with a poem in namaz :D.. Awesomeness :D

    Keep it uP!

  3. I think that was a compliment :D bus Allah ka karam hai :P :)

  4. Very thought provoking, mashaAllah.

    And a very good effort with this new blog. :)

  5. thank you. :)
    and Im honoured that you dropped by! :)


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