Allah knows!

Often times, when we do something worthwhile, we want the world to know about it.  Whether it’s Acing our final exams in school or scoring the winning shot in a street-basketball game, we feel it’s our duty to let people know about the ‘big things’ we accomplish everyday.  Even if it’s something that isn’t related directly to us, we feel the urge to tell others via Muslim gossip (even the good non-backbiting type).  However, the fact of the matter is that we shouldn’t really worry about what other people think about us.    In fact, we shouldn’t even care if other people know what we’ve accomplished.  We should hide some of our good deeds instead of showing them off.  Because the fact of the matter is, we know Allah (SWT) knows what we accomplished and to Him (SWT) is our final return.  Check out the following enjoyable read:

In one  country, the Muslim army was fighting against the Byzantine army. The number of the Byzantines was more than ten times the number of the Muslims.  The Byzantine commander was Gregorius and his daughter was by his side.  Gregorius’ daughter asked, “My father, who are these, they are merely a handful, their number is small and no more than 15,000, who are they?”

Gregorius responded, ”‘These are the Arab horsemen.”

The daughter said, “My father, give them to me as spoils."

And so, Gregorious had given his daughter [their property's worth] as spoils before the battle even took place.   However, Allah (SWT) had decreed that Gregorius would lose the battle and his daughter would be one of the captives and so the Gregorius was killed and his daughter captured.

After their victory, the Muslim army reconvened and the commander of the Muslim army wanted to know who killed Gregorius, but nobody answered.  The Muslim commander asked, “‘Who killed Gregorius?”

Gregorius’ daughter, who had been captured, said to the commander of the Muslims: “I know who killed my father."

And so when Abdullah bin az-Zubayr passed next to her she said, “O, commander of the Muslims, this is the man who killed my father.”

The commander of the Muslim army asked Abdullah bin az-Zubayr, “O, Abdullah bin az-Zubayr, why did you conceal this from us?”

What did Abdullah bin az-Zubayr say in response?  His words still echo in the ear of history.

He said, “Allah knows I killed him.”

Abdullah bin az-Zubayr walked the walk and he never talked.  This is how we should strive to be where we do and not talk!

If you benefit even a little from this, then all is from ALLAH, only the mistakes are mine :) Please pardon me for that.
JAZAKALLAH for reading :)


  1. Very inspiring MA :) ..

    The story was absolutely amazing! I wish we could all have the humility required not to say our stuff proudly to others, and keep it to ourselves, content with the fact that Allah to Jaanta hay..

    Excellent message, JazakAllah!

  2. yes, its right. indeed we should hide our good actions. nice message!!!!

  3. @Uni & @Noor jee: JAZAKALLAH for the appreciation :)

  4. Hmmm. We should hide our good deeds to make sure they are pure and free from any kind of riya :)


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