Keeping Sins a Secret
I previously posted on keeping good deeds a secret. This time i'm writing about keeping sins a secret and the consequences and the rewards of doing so. From among the teachings of Allah's Messenger (salallahu alaihe wa-sallam) is to keep sins a secret matter.If someone commits a sinful act which is against the Commandments of Allah, or is against the moral character, or is such an act that may cause harm to one's honor, then he should keep it a secret and seek forgiveness from Allah in the darkness of night. The Messenger of Allah (salallahu alaihe wa-sallam) said: "My entire nation is safe, except al-Mujahirin (those who boast of their sins). Among the Mujaharah is that a man commits an (evil) act, and wakes up in the morning while Allah has kept his (sin) a secret, he says: "O Fulan! Last night I did this and that. " He goes to sleep while Allah has kept his (sin) a secret but he wakes up in the morning and uncovers what Allah has kept a secret!" [Sahe...