Silence is Powerful

We have a saying in Urdu, "ایک چپ سو کو ہراتی ہے۔"

I had always been a person who believed to retort back in same way if someone criticize negatively. OK, and I have been kind of a person who never had to hear any criticism from anybody at all. In fact my khala used to say, "be a little tough or else people would take advantage of you." And that's what happened. I didn't know what was going on at first because I never imagined it would happen
to me. But a lot of things happened. With bitter experiences I learned to stay quiet. I used to hate myself for being quiet and took it as my weakness. But then I read a hadith narrated by Hazrat Anas (razi Allahu Anhu) سب سے بڑی نیکی خاموش رہنا ہے۔. And since then I have made it my lethal weapon.

We take silence for granted. We take God's delay as affirmation to our actions. We are so full of ourselves in our heads that we don't give a damn about anything. But God has His own ways of showing who is the real boss. We think we are weak if we back off. We take aggression as triumph. But that is not always the case.The silence is the difference between aggressor and victim. Sometimes we need to step off. Sometimes we need to just let the dogs bark and carry on. And believe me, that silence provides such a pedestal that you gain upper hand in the situation. You get to call the shots because you are the one who is in control. The one who opened his mouth lost the battle. I learned this technique the hard way. But I am happy that I gave it a chance. It is not a weakness in slightest, no matter what the devil says. It is the power few enjoy.

You don't get to regret later on what you said in the heat of the argument. Literally, people lose sleep over what they say in anger and later on justify (read lie) what they said. And again you stay quiet to let them simmer in their own hate and vengeance.

Ever since I learned the following quote, my attitude has changed. My stance has become more powerful.

"They say that when you give somebody a gift and they don't take it, where does it go? Back to you. The same way if someone insults you and you don't take it then it goes back to that person." (Quote unknown)

Isn't it an intelligent synthesis? I love it.  


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