Internet Of Things


David is driving down the road and he sees a red light going on the dashboard indicating long due engine service. He asks his car to take him to the nearest mechanic, and voila! It does. 

To make it more interesting; the mechanic can use IoT to generate savings coupons; making new customers and hence, increasing his business.

The car in this scenario is the Thing, in which a software is installed and is connected to the Internet. Yours truly, IoT. 

According to Wikipedia, “The Internet of things (IoT) is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines provided with unique identifiers (UIDs) and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction.”

It comprises four components.

  • Hardware

  • Data

  • Software

  • Connectivity

The physical things around us serve as hardware. And they could be animals, humans, appliances, even doorbells. This hardware connected to the internet through chips then transmits data, which is interpreted and organized by the software.

These and many scenarios we witness in our day to day lives are examples of integration of IoT in our lives. And it will increase manifold as people will flock to this technology more. There are many devices in the market which are already transforming the world we live in.

For Example: Farmers can choose to monitor everything from each animal’s health, location, eating habits and reproductive cycle to the herd’s grazing and movement patterns in a pasture.

 If you connected to an app to reach a destination; you employed IoT technology. The more smartphones users mean increased use of IoT.

Doesn’t it sound like out of this world. Like so futuristic? Yet, it's all happening around us. And its usage will become more common and evident as technology becomes more sophisticated. 

We will witness Industries,health sectors, education, homes, safer workplaces all utilizing this technology in the matter of years.

 IoT, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence:

IoT coupled with AI and Big Data is transforming the world in totally unimaginable ways. Every online person and object is responsible to add data to the cloud. This Big Data is increasingly used in enhancing user experience and in businesses to retain customers and relationships. AI is employed to make smart decisions and process the data. It totally changes the way we use technology. It is an unequivocal variable in this equation. 

IoT is a new reality. The planet Earth is going to be more happening and internet oriented as the technology sophisticates. Whole cities are now built on this blueprint. Depending upon it will become a necessity for living. 


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