
Showing posts from January, 2011


Note: Y.Ali=Yusuf Ali's Translation of the Verse of the Quran 24:15  (Y. Ali)  Behold, ye received it on your tongues, and said out of your mouths things of which ye had no knowledge; and ye thought it to be a light matter, while it was most serious in the sight of Allah. 49:12  (Y. Ali)…  And spy not on each other behind their backs. Would any of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? Nay, ye would abhor it.But fear Allah. For Allah is Oft-Returning, Most Merciful. 104:1  (Y. Ali)  Woe to every (kind of) scandal-monger and-backbiter Prophet Muhammad(SAW) said :”Do you know what backbiting is?” They said, “God and His Messenger know best.” He then said, “It is to say something about your brother that he would dislike.” Someone asked him, “But what if what I say is true?” The Messenger of God said, “If what you say about him is true, you are backbiting him, but if it is not true then you have slandered him.” (Muslim) The Prophet (peace be upon him) ...


In my previous article I wrote about our kids being led in satanic way through fake 'superheroes'. They don't know who the real heroes are. Here a point arises, how come they don't know about their heritage? The most important thing of their life. kabhe ay naujawan muslim! tadabbur bhe kia tuny? wo kia girdoun tha, tu jis ka hai ik tuta hua tara ? (Iqbal) It points towards us adults who got off the right track, the ‘SIRAT E MUSTAQIM.’ We forgot our heritage, the glorious origin from which we evolved. Do you realize that our ancestors ruled the world for more than a thousand years, thousand years!!! How did they manage it? What was it that they had and we don’t? Why are we in an abyss at the mercy of the world? They had ‘imaan’ in them. They believed in the sovereignty of Allah with their hearts and implied it in each and every aspect of their lives. From the Caliph to an ordinary peasant, all worked together as an Ummah. Unlike us they adhered to Allah’s commands compl...


The Messenger, peace be upon him, once asked: "Listen. Shall I guide you to the things through which God blots out sins and elevates you to higher ranks?" When his Companions asked him to do so, he told them: " Perform  wudu  (ritual ablution) as correctly as possible, even in the most adverse conditions; walk to the mosque for each prayer, and wait for the next prayer after praying. This is the  ribat , this is the ribat  (preparation, dedication). " [Muslim] The hadith begins with 'Listen' to stress the importance of what follows. In this case, it is the five daily prayers. The prescribed prayer is the pillar of Islam. Without it, Islam cannot be maintained. When believers pray correctly, they are protected from evil thoughts and deeds. It is also a sacred ladder for ascending to the Presence of God. But before we climb it, we must perform  wudu  as perfectly as possible. From the first step toward  wudu , believers begin to gain reward. While perfo...

Peer o Mureed: The Teacher and the Student

The question by Allama Iqbal: Discerning eyes bleed in pain; For faith is ruined by knowledge in this age. Explanation of the Stanza:  The discerning eye (the eye which recognizes the reality) is bleeding because the knowledge of the current age has ruined the faith. Please tell me, what is the solution to this? The answer by Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi:  Fling it on the body, and knowledge becomes a serpent; Fling it on the heart and it becomes a friend. Explanation of the stanza:   If you will use knowledge to use it for the decoration of your body, then it will bite you like a snake, but if you will use knowledge for discovering yourself and for improving your inner self, then knowledge will be like a gentle friend for you in your whole life. Meaning knowledge should not be used for showing off, but it should be used for improving yourself from your heart, soul and brain. If Muslims use the knowledge of the west(secular knowledge as they call it), then it’ll becom...


Children-are the future of a nation. Young buds which grow into numerous beautiful flowers; ornating the garden with their looks, satiating our eyes. As a psychologist puts it, "The minds of children are blank slates on which our teachings, standards and ideals are to be written." The young minds are like a sponge, absorbing each and every happening of their surrounding. Very much careful steps should be taken when teaching/training them. A scholar said: "For an infant, his first school is his mother's lap" Proper education is necessary to raise a child into a dutiful responsible citizen and moreover to make him a better Muslim. Careful measures must be taken from very first step. Educating the young mind is like molding the character of a whole nation because the young man of today will be a responsible citizen of tomorrow. Nowadays, it is seen that children have idolized Ben10, Superman, Spider man etc. They are 'superheroes' for them. A source of insp...

What’s Your Morning Routine?

By  ProductiveMuslim I hate routine. Except when it comes to morning routines :) That’s something I try and stick to! ;) There’s something about starting your day on a number of pre-planned actions that really set your day straight. Below I describe the ‘ideal’ ProductiveMuslim morning routine. (Note: I assume that Fajr Athan is at 5.00am and that work starts at 8am, feel free to ‘adjust’ the routine below to suit your timetable inshaAllah) 4.00AM – 5.00AM: 5 Essential Actions 1. Wake up! Perhaps the first and most important step to having a great morning routine is waking up early! And it is in that moment of indecisiveness – whether you should wake up immediately or enjoy your nice comfy bed for ‘5 more minutes’- wherein lies the secret to either a great day or a crazy one. Here’s a tip that always works with me for waking up: You know how shaytaan whispers in your ears “just sleep for 5 more minutes”… I simply whisper back to myself “just wake up for 5 minutes” ;) Yup, you can ...

Islamic Calendar

Assalamu Alaikum all brothers and sisters in Islam.  Sometimes back i posted a fatwa for if we can use the Christian (or the Gregorian) calender, which was something that was not of our own. Today i'm posting about the Pro's of our own Islamic Calender. Here it goes, Umar ibn al-Khattab established the Islamic Calendar uniting the different dating methods of his time by counting back to the year of the Hijrah (migration to Madina) to determine when to start. 16 July, 622 CE = 1 Muharram, 1 AH Islamic Calendar begins with sacrifice (hijrah of the Prophet and the Muslims to Madina) and ends with sacrifice (hajj, hijrah of Hajira). Not from someone’s birthday, or some king or ruler’s orders, but from the foundation of the Islamic community - on brotherhood and unity we begin and end. Lunar: Based upon the moon - accurate, close, visible, reminder of the beauty, order, submission of Allah’s creation but also its imperfection, its rise and fall, it needs the sun to shine...

Allaah is Beautiful and Loves Beauty

By Imaam ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawziyyah rahimahullaah From ’Abdullaah Ibn Mas’ood  radiallaahu ’anhu  who said that the Prophet  sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sallam said,  “No one will enter Paradise who has an atom’s weight of pride in his heart.”  A man said, “What if a man likes his clothes to look good and his shoes to look good?” He said,  “Allaah is beautiful and loves beauty. Pride means denying the truth and looking down on people.”   Ibnul-Qayyim (d.751H)  radiallaahu ’anhu  said, commenting upon this hadeeth: ‘‘The phrase  ‘Allaah is beautiful and loves beauty,’  includes the beautiful clothing which was asked about in the same hadeeth. It is included by way of generalization, meaning that beauty in all things is what is meant here. In Saheeh Muslim, it says:  “Allaah is good and only accepts that which is good.”   In Sunanut-Tirmidhee it says:  “Allaah loves to see the effects of His blessing on His slave.’’  ...