Human In The Light Of God
Do you think that our conception of God influences how we see our role in the universe? How, or how not? This was the question asked in our recent lesson. This lesson gave us a chance to explore the possibilities of a human in the light of Iqbal's third lecture in Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam . There are five elements in the Islamic conception of God, i.e. God is (a) the Infinite Ego; (b) Creative; (c) Knowing; (d) Powerful; and (e) Eternal What I understood from this lecture (and Mr. Khurram's discussion) is that the human reflects in his actions and deeds whom he worships. The character and color of the one who is worshiped are automatically transferred into the worshiper. If someone worships a mere statue then ultimately they retain the habits of [the material] of their god. This is the case if someone worships money, and could be why the hypocrites are detested so much be...