For humans, aesthetic needs are as important as basic needs because they feed the soul and help to enhance it. People are always in need of an ideal. The urge to follow some principle, person etc. was built into us. Accordingly , literature is an important aspect of the aesthetic sense and all societies need it as their source of aspirations, ideals, objectives, and visions. Yet, good literature is the kind which makes people think and plan ahead of their time. It offers role models which help to evlove ideas and ideals, and preserve and pass objectives to future generations. Above everything else, it brings together people from different backgrounds to acquire a unity of imagination, if it is equally enjoyable to the initiated and the uninitiated (and this has been a hallmark of all good literature throughout the ages, even though this is denied nowadays by those who uphold a dichotomy between "high" and "popular" cultures). In other words, good literature...