
Showing posts from May, 2012

Drone Film-maker Denied US Visa

A Pakistani student is unable to accept his film festival award because he is denied the right to enter the U.S. BY GLENN GREENWALD A still image from Muhammad Danish Qasim's film, "The Other Side." Muhammad Danish Qasim is a Pakistani student at  Iqra University’s Media Science  and is also a filmmaker. This year, Qasim released a short film entitled  The Other Side , a 20-minute narrative  that “revolves around the idea of assessing social, psychological and economical effects of drones on the people in tribal areas of Pakistan.” A two-minute video trailer of the film is embedded below.  The Express Tribune   provided this summary  of the film, including an interview with Qasim: The Other Side  revolves around a school-going child in Miranshah, the capital of North Waziristan. The child’s neighborhood gets bombed after the people of the region are suspected for some notorious activities.  He ends up losing all of his loved ones ...

Sign Of Weakness Of Imaan

Whenever your sujūd is short and your du'ā' is so short, it is a sign of weakness of īmān.  Sujūd is a road to ask for whatever you want. A man came to Al-Hasan Al-Basri and said, “ I heard you say that if you commit sins, then Allāh prevents you from things.  I do all the sins that you can think of and don't do many good deeds.  I have a beautiful wife and beautiful kids and a lot of money and land and am successful.  Allāh did not prevent me from anything.  How is it that you say that because of sins Allāh prevents you?”   He said, “ Do you pray qiyām'l-layl?  Do you enjoy your du'ā'?  Do you enjoy your ṣalāh?  That is enough prevention that He prevented you from communicating with Him.”   When Allāh wanted to speak to us, He revealed the Qur'an, and when we want to talk to Him, we raise our hands.  He cut you off because you are not worthy of it and your īmān is not strong enough. محبت کا جنوں باقي نہيں ہے مسلمانو...

Who Is The Real Poor Person

"One should implement what he knows for it is the greatest foundation. And the poor person, the truly poor, is the one who wasted his life learning that which he does not practice. So, he loses the pleasures of this worldly life and the goodness of the hereafter, coming forth bankrupt (on the Day of Judgment) with strong evidences against himself." —Sayd al-Khatir (Gems from Imam ibn al-Jawzi) Courtesy :

Ready-Made Values And Their Worth

"Most of our values are already made. They are not given any consideration or effort that is why they are on verge of death. They are angry because of being neglected. They can be brought to life by giving them their due status. At the present, nations cannot survive without the values. Allah is the biggest value and look at the condition that it is not even talked about. Belief, faith are weak so who would water Value. People sell their worthless stuff in the name of gold and see we hid our great values in the backyard because we are even afraid of calling our gold, Gold. Values or wealth that is taken from others has no respect. The plant of our values is of different structure. It's water and dung is different too. But this difference will come to focus when you think about it." Ashfaq Ahmed

Literature And Quran

 Principles of Literary Criticism                           The Poets  Translation of Verses 224-227, Chapter 26, the Quran And the Poets― it is those straying in Evil, who follow them:  Do you not see that they wander distracted in every valley? And that they say what they practise not? Except those who believe, work righteousness, engage much in the remembrance of Allah, and defend themselves after they are unjustly attacked. And soon will the unjust assailants know what vicissitudes their affairs will take! "Once at the end of a workshop on creative writing which I conducted in Mauritius, I was asked by an old school teacher, “Can you describe literature in a single word?” I said, “Yes,Quran.” A veteran Muslim poet was also on the panel with me and he hastened to contradict me from the bottom of his heart. He said something to the effect, “The Quran is just a religious b...

Perspective Behind Literature

The Age Of Transcendence c. 1800 BC to c. 1300 BC  Arsala Abrar (fellow participant on DNA of History according to Iqbal.) " My understanding allowed to me think of two things from the lesson firstly, perspective and secondly, powers of analysing. Firstly, during this period of history civilisations were adapting and shaping according to their needs and due to this one of the result is the development of writing. But as Rumi 'remarks about poets in the poetry of Sarosh that the difference between poets who bring joy and poets who perpetuate misery', writing and architecture can also be looked at from the same thought. Therefore I believe that looking at perspective is essential. Maybe considering who wrote it and why. As our instructor mentions in the lesson that resources about this period of history is written from the perspective of the opponents of Abraham. This issue can also be applied to the past as well. Where word of God through Abraham was for the...