
Showing posts from June, 2014

Greetings, from Kashmir

I made a new friend. We met at the ninth batch of our online course Introduction to Iqbal Studies and instantly hit it off. She is from Kashmir and that is one of the major reason Source of writing this post. Whenever we end our conversations she always asks me to say her salam to everybody, and that means Everybody! I find it endearing. Nobody has ever made such a request of me. First I was shy, as to how to give her salam to the people in Pakistan but then the idea of writing this post, in order to honor her wish and to tell the world about her, came to me. Therefore, first and foremost; Salam/Peace to you, dear reader, from the valleys of Kashmir. The most touching idea about this exchange for me is; she cares about us, Pakistanis. It brims my heart with so much joy and love, my heart expands and is ready to burst out with happiness. I could never know that somebody could love selflessly. For I have always heard people telling us that Kashmiris no longer like Pakistan, ...