(Prepared with Connie L. Nash from One Heart For Peace ) .." Allah is our Lord and your Lord. Unto us our works and unto you your works; no argument between us and you. Allah will bring us together, and unto Him is the journeying." Al-Quran (chapter 42:ayat-15) ..." Is the reward of goodness aught save goodness?" Al-Quran (chapter 55: ayat-60) ' Even after all this time, the sun never says to the earth: "you owe me." Look what happens with a love like that. It lights the whole sky .' Hafiz " The well is one, and water bearers many. Their pots may differ in shape and size, but water in all of them One." Kabir " My wish for you is that you fall in love like a burning coal that falls into water and keeps burning. " Jalaluddin Rumi " God expects but one thing of you, and that is that you should come out of yourself in so far as you are a created being made and let God be God in you. ...